Ideal Lights



Research indicates that the implementation of high-quality LED lighting in educational institutions can significantly enhance students’ reading and numerical abilities, as well as contribute to a positive and uplifting atmosphere.

It’s worth noting that LED lighting constitutes a substantial portion of energy expenses. Surprisingly, a straightforward transition to LED lighting, supported by available funding, can lead to the eradication of up to 80% of these lighting costs.

The shift to LED lighting not only results in a substantial reduction in energy expenditure in your school, but also boasts a remarkable improvement in energy efficiency, surpassing traditional lighting options by up to 10 times. Beyond financial advantages, the adoption of LED lighting offers additional perks, including enhancements in health, safety, and classroom performance, attributed to the superior quality of light output.

Contact us to discuss your requirements:

School - Education LED Lights l | LED Light Installation | Ideal Lights UK

What are the benefits?

  • Enhanced Energy Savings
  • Minimized Carbon Footprint
  • Low Maintenance, thanks to its long lifespan and reliability
  • Fostering an Energizing Environment, creating a conducive space for both students to learn and teachers to work
  • Positive Impact on Concentration, Mood, and Motivation Levels
We can also discuss daylight harvesting and movement sensors, which can play a crucial role in maintaining light levels and ensuring lamps aren’t left on and wasting energy when not needed.


Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust l | LED Light Installation | Ideal Lights UK
“We planned the upgrade of the lighting across our 4 Junior Schools with Ideal Lights thoroughly. I am pleased to say the upgrades went as smoothly as we could have hoped for with some works during school hours and some during the Summer Holidays. And even more pleasing is that we are already seeing the financial benefits.”

Delroy Bramwell
Director of Estates and Facilities
Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust
Weald of Kent Grammar School | LED Light Installation | Ideal Lights UK
“The new LED Lights have made a considerable improvement across the whole school. Staff and pupil feedback have been overwhelmingly positive. We have had minimal failures and replacements under Warranty have been prompt.

Financially, we believe we are seeing the type of annual savings reported in the Energy Saving Report. In fact, with the levels of electricity inflation, we would have been crippled by electricity costs had we not made a substantial reduction in electricity usage, by installing new LED Lighting.”

Jo Barker-Platt
Chief Operations Officer
Weald of Kent Grammar School
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